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PLEASE NOTE: Holsteins & Jerseys will share a Showing ring and alternate classes.
Judge: Mr W Patten, Nantwich, Cheshire
Steward: Mr H Robinson
Class 126                                              Heifer born on or after 1st January 2023.
1st 123 Murray & Manning Shrops Windyridge Tequilla Glitz UK304855605279. F. b. 11.10.23. Bred by exhibitor. s. Tower Vue Primeilly Tequilla.
2nd 120 Bar- M Jerseys Shrops Bar-M Moonlight Sparkling Rosie UK315744300076. F. b. 10.2.23. Bred by exhibitor. s. Lencrest Moonlight. d. Bar-M Jordan Rosa.
3rd 122 Murray & Manning Shrops Windyridge Chocochip Lilly. UK304855505278. F. b. 10.10.23. Bred by exhibitor. s. Chocochip. d. Windyridge Tequilla.
Class 127               Heifer in Calf.
1st 124 Murray & Manning Shrops Princesstiillstar Chocochip Interest UK303115703137. F. b. 4.9.22. Bred by TS & M Oakes. s. Chocochip . d. Haughton Premier Vested Interest.
2nd 126 Bar- M Jerseys Shrops Bar-M Chocochip Fern Isla UK315744200075. F. b. 19.12.22. Bred by exhibitor. s. Avonlea Chocochip. d. Bar-M Jordan Fern Isla.
Class 128               Cow in Calf.
1st 127 Bar- M Jerseys Shrops Bar-M Joel Generous UK315744100032. F. b. 5.6.18. Bred by exhibitor. s. Guimo Joel. d. Bar-M Guapo Generous.
Class 129               Heifer in Milk having calved under the age of two and a half years.
                                                Only 1 heifer will go forward to championships.
1st 136 Murray & Manning Shrops Whiteoak Reaments UK164553205000.
Class 130               Young Cow in Milk, under 4 years of age, having calved only twice.
                   NO ENTRIES
Class 131               Cow in Milk, 4 years old and over having had three calves or more.
1st 129 Murray & Manning Shrops Wyreforest Zummit Amy UK302194501055. b. 11.2.18. Bred by Wyreforest Jerseys. s. Danish UJ Zummit. d. Winkland Eclipse Amy.
2nd 131 Murray & Manning Shrops Windyridge Crazy Lilly UK304855504004. b. 3.11.19. Bred exhibitor. s. Craze. d. Windyridge Tequilla Tigerlily.
Class 132               Group of Three Animals, entered in the above classes and the
                                property of the same exhibitor.
1st 132 Bar- M Jerseys Shrops  
2nd 133 Murray & Manning Shrops  
Class 133               Group of Two Females, by one sire, or out of one dam, or a dam and
                                her daughter, bred by and the property of the same exhibitor.
1st 134 Bar- M Jerseys Shrops  
Sp 102       The Staffordshire & Birmingham Agricultural Society offers a cut-glass
                   award to the Champion and a cash prize of £10 to the Reserve.
Sp 103       The Tixall Perpetual Challenge Bowl Kindly presented by Mr & Mrs Godfrey
                   Bostock for the Champion Animal in the Jersey Cattle Classes.
Sp 104       The Jersey Cattle Society offers a Special Rosette and Prize Card for the Best Jersey Cow or Heifer, registered in the Herd Book, bred by the exhibitor who is a
                   member of the Jersey Cattle Society.
Sp 105       The North Midlands Jersey Cattle Club will award £10 to any Club Member showing for the first time at the Stafford County Show.
Champion 129 Murray & Manning Shrops Wyreforest Zummit Amy UK302194501055. b. 11.2.18. Bred by Wyreforest Jerseys. s. Danish UJ Zummit. d. Winkland Eclipse Amy.
Reserve 124 Murray & Manning Shrops Princesstiillstar Chocochip Interest UK303115703137. F. b. 4.9.22. Bred by TS & M Oakes. s. Chocochip . d. Haughton Premier Vested Interest.