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 (Judging to commence 9.00am on Thursday)
Calves entered in the Young handler’s classes, may arrive by 8am on Thursday
Judge: Miss N Beardsley, Mugginton, Derbys
Steward: Mr P Foxley
1st - £10 2nd - £8 3rd- £6 4th - £4 5th - £2 6th - £1
Note: It is a condition of the Show that children must only handle animals where they have the necessary strength and experience to cope with foreseeable problems. Therefore, the age of the calf must be in keeping with the size and ability of the handler and children must always be under the supervision of a competent adult. It is at the Stewards and Judges discretion to whether
a handler may lead a calf that does not fit into the age range stated for their class, but the animal must be within the overall age limits of the below classes. Please state Handlers name on entry form.
Class 228               Beef young handler 4 years to 8 years on first day of the Show, calf born            on or  after 1st January 2024 (any breed or cross)
1st 423 Chloe Murphy  
2nd 361 Seth Dickinson Derbys
3rd 360 Ted Darlington Derbys
Class 229               Beef young handler 9 years to 12 years on first day of the Show, calf born          on or  after 1st June 2023 (any breed or cross)
1st 364 Blossom Dickinson Derbys
2nd 365 Ashlee Hughes Powys
3rd 426 Andrew White  
4th 441 Sid Shaw  
5th 434 Miar Shaw  
6th 424 Wilf Heath  
Class 230               Beef young handler 13 years to 18 years on first day of the Show, calf born        on or after 1st January 2023 (any breed or cross)
1st 454 Jack Heath  
2nd 367 Fred Powdrill Derbys
3rd 455    
Sp 145                    The Staffordshire & Birmingham Agricultural Society offers a Trophy for Best Beef Handler.
Sp 146                    The Staffordshire & Birmingham Agricultural Society offers £10 for the Best Beef Handler and £5 for the Reserve Best Beef Handler.
Champion 454 Jack Heath    
Reserve 367 Fred Powdrill Derbys  

(To be judged on 9.00am Thursday, Dairy Shorthorn & Jerseys Calves will share a showing ring and alternate classes.)
Judge: Mr J Evans, Narberth, Pembrokeshire
Prizes: 1st - £15 2nd - £10 3rd - £5
Class 237                               Junior Calf born in 2024
1st 410 R & K Boote Ches Kayl Edge Baroness UK16996401360. F. b. 2.1.24. Bred by exhibitor. s. Cotonhall Jagged Edge. d. Kayl Country Baroness.
2nd 411 R & K Boote Ches Kayl Mag Gentle UK16996601362. F. b. 22.1.24. Bred by exhibitor. s. Amber Magnum. d. Kayle Life Gentle.
Class 238                               Intermediate Calf born between 1st July 2023 and 31st December 2023
1st 419 J & S Kirkham Staffs Weaverdale Sharon Rose 27th UK177053100284. F. b. 29.10.23. Bred by exhibitor. s. Coton Hall Sparton. d. Weaverdale Sharon Rose 24th.
2nd 415 RW Harper Ches Burbrook Sol Daisy Sovereign UK161484202292. F. b. 1.7.23. Bred by exhibitor. s. Cotonhall Solomon. d. Burbrook PC Daisy Sovereign.
3rd 416 RW Harper Ches Burbrook Gold Meg. UK161484502295. F. b. 11.7.23. Bred by exhibitor. s. Shavnlea Gold Rosti. d. Burbrook PC Meg.
4th 417 J French Staffs Original Populations Dairy Shorthorn. Greatwood Strawberry Dairymaid 2 UK165438500046. F. b 20.9.23. Bred by exhibitor. s. Rantonall Real Joy. d. Rantonall Strawberry Dairymaid 5.
5th 420 J French Staffs Original Population Dairy Shorthorn. Greatwood Strawberry Dairymaid 3 UK165438600047. F. b. 16.11.23. Bred by exhibitor. s. Seckington Darlington Airdrie. d. Greatwood Strawberry Dairymaid.
Class 239                               Senior Calf born between 1st January 2023 and 30th June 2023
1st 423 J & S Kirkham Staffs Marleycote Petal 147 UK107248702808. F. b. 17.4.23. Bred by GG Baynes & Son. s. Marleycote Buzzard. d. Marleycote Petal 141.
2nd 424 R & K Boote Ches Kayl edge Sadie UK16996101315. F. b. 1.5.23. Bred by exhibitor. s. Cotonhall Jagged edge. d. Kayl County Sadie.
3rd 426 J & S Kirkham Staffs Weaverdale Phyliss 28th DSH UK177053200278. F. b. 16.6.23. Bred by exhibitor. s. Amber Firefox. d. Weaverdale Phyliss.
4th 422 R & K Boote Ches Kayl Proud Countess 60 UK16996301303. F. b. 21.2.23. Bred by exhibitor. s. Kayle Fair Resolve. d. Kayl Proud Countess 51.
Class 240                               Junior Handler 14 years and under on day of Show
1st 460 Tiana Boote  
2nd 427 Jessica Kirkham Staffs
3rd 458 Alex Brookes  
4th 459 Josh Brookes  
Class 241                               Senior Handler 15 to 25 years on day of Show
1st 430 Joseph Kirkham Staffs
2nd 428 Zak Bacon Staffs
3rd 429 Saskia Fletcher Staffs
4th 422 Julie Barker  
Sp 151       The Staffordshire & Birmingham Agricultural Society offer Rosettes for the Champion and Reserve Champion calf.
Sp 152                    The Dairy Shorthorn Society offers a Plaque for the Champion Calf.
Sp 153       The Staffordshire & Birmingham Agricultural Society offer Rosettes for the                     Champion and Reserve Champion handler.
Sp 153 Champion 430 Joseph Kirkham Staffs
  Reserve 460 Tiana Boote  

(To be judged on 9.00am Thursday, Dairy Shorthorn & Jerseys Calves will share a showing ring and alternate classes.)
Judge: Mr J Evans, Narberth, Pembrokeshire
Steward: Mrs M Hopley
Prizes: 1st - £15 2nd - £10 3rd - £5
Class 242                               Junior Calf born in 2024
1st 440 JR & HE Allen Staffs Plardiwick Chrome Sundial Uk166948601597. F. b. 12.1.24. Bred by exhibitor. s. River Valley Coca Chrome. d. Plardiwick Lemonhead Sunlight.
Class 243                               Intermediate Calf born between 1st July 2023 and 31st December 2023
1st 445 Murray & Manning Shrops Windyridge Chocochip Lilly. UK304855505278. F. b. 10.10.23. Bred by exhibitor. s. Chocochip . d. Windyridge Tequilla.
2nd 446 Murray & Manning Shrops Windyridge Tequilla Glitz UK304855605279. F. b. 11.10.23. Bred by exhibitor. s. Tower Vue Primeilly Tequilla.
3rd 444 JR & HE Allen Staffs Plardiwick Victoious Little Ruby UK166948401581. F. b. 28.7.23. Bred by exhibitor. s. Rivervalley Victorious. d. Plardiwick Broiler Ruby.
4th 443 Bar- M Jerseys Shrops Bar-M Chocochip Generous UK315744200082. F. b. 23.7.23. Bred by exhibitor. s. Avonlea Chocochip. d. Bar-M Joel Generous.
5th 442 J Lomax Staffs KJ Explore Nadia UK166505402935. F. b. 1.3.23. Bred by J Lomax & K Woodcock. s. Bayview Explore. d. KJ Kaiserchief Nadia.
6th 447 JR & HE Allen Staffs Plardiwick Lemonhead Marie UK166948701591. F. b. 23.10.23. Bred by exhibitor. s. S.S Lemonhead d. Plardiwick Citation Madeira.
Class 244                               Senior Calf born between 1st January 2023 and 30th June 2023
1st 448 Bar- M Jerseys Shrops Bar-M Moonlight Sparkling Rosie UK315744300076. F. b. 10.2.23. Bred by exhibitor. s. Lencrest Moonlight. d. Bar-M Jordan Rosa.
2nd 449 JR & HE Allen Staffs Plardiwick Addiction Peony UK16948201565. F. b. 26.4.23. Bred by exhibitor. s. Rivermead Casino Addiction. d. Plardiwick Valentino Violet.
Class 245                               Junior Handler Junior Handler 12 years and under on the 1st January 2024
1st 452 Murray & Manning Shrops
Class 246                               Intermediate Handler 13 to 17 years on the 1st January 2024
1st 453 Ollie Stevens Staffs
Class 247                               Senior Handler 18 to 26 years on the 1st January 2024
Sp 154       The Staffordshire & Birmingham Agricultural Society offer Rosettes for the Champion and Reserve Champion calf.
Sp 155       The Staffordshire & Birmingham Agricultural Society offer Rosettes for the                     Champion and Reserve Champion handler.
Champion 452 Murray & Manning Shrops  
Reserve 453 Ollie Stevens Staffs  
Champion 445 Murray & Manning Shrops Windyridge Chocochip Lilly. UK304855505278. F. b. 10.10.23. Bred by exhibitor. s. Chocochip . d. Windyridge Tequilla.
Reserve 446 Murray & Manning Shrops Windyridge Tequilla Glitz UK304855605279. F. b. 11.10.23. Bred by exhibitor. s. Tower Vue Primeilly Tequilla.

Winners of Sp 148, Sp 153 and Sp 155 are to come forward to be judged for Overall Dairy Handler Champion.
Sp 156                    The Staffordshire & Birmingham Agricultural Society offers a Trophy kindly donated by Mr & Mrs Williams, for Best Dairy Handler.
Sp 157                    The Staffordshire & Birmingham Agricultural Society offers £10 for the Best      Dairy Handler and £5 for the Reserve Best Dairy Handler.
Champion 395 Peter Cotton Staffs  
Reserve 430 Joseph Kirkham Staffs